Character Animation Reel

I specialize in animations but I have experience in rigging and modeling. Animated all shots.

Character and Creature Animation Reel 2016 from tony castro on Vimeo.

Generalist Reel

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Term 3 - Week 8

UUUUUUgh!!! This week sucked mostly because my little guy was sick. I hate it so much when he gets sick. He's still a baby, well to me at least (2 yrs old), and when ever he gets sick I feel terrible because I can tell he suffers through it. Fortunately, during the day he was playing around and having fun but at night my poor little guy couldnt sleep because his stuffed up little nose kept him up. One night he even got a fever and I had to take him to the ER. Fortunately again, it went down when we got there and he was smiling on the way home. If you ever see this I love you fatboy!!! Well, since I only really have a chance to work on my animation in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping my son being sicking this week was my main concern and I barely got anythinng else done. I was hoping to go into spline but instead stayed in blocking and just worked out some things that needed tweaking. I was lucky my mentor only had 2 minor things that she felt needed tweaking. Some more up and in the hips when he shifts his weight and she wanted me to give it a different ending. At the end of the clip it says "then her sister walks in" and Dana (mentor) wanted me to give some sort of reaction to it. I didnt get to that this week though. Well, here it is.

Oops I almost for got we also had an assignment where we are suppose to show anger through a hand pose. this is what I came up with

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