Character Animation Reel

I specialize in animations but I have experience in rigging and modeling. Animated all shots.

Character and Creature Animation Reel 2016 from tony castro on Vimeo.

Generalist Reel

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Look it that...A post just a little over a month since my last. Not so bad :)

Sooo, I got extremely lucky and landed a new gig just a few weeks after my last job ended and a very well known motiongraphic studio at that. Im at Blind Studios working on a video game cinematic. What cracks me up is that I got hired as a rigger initally, but Ill be animating also. When my last job ended I told myself I wouldn't go into a job as rigger. I know I know maybe I shouldn't of put that on my reel right...but when money is scarce and you don't know when the next gig will come you do what you gotta do lol. Well, its all good I consider it a blessing. I've been learning so much being that the technicalities (did I spell that right lol) were some what beyond my knowledge. Its been stressful and at times I thought to myself if I was actually going to be able to do this, but I have (so far at least). The feeling of accomplishing something even when you think you may not be able to do it is wonderful and motivates me to keep at it. I mean its not an easy road to the top but I have to keep pushing myself. Anyhow, the people here are great and willing to lay a helping hand. Its funny at my last job I knew many of the people going in because I went to school with a lot of them. At my new job I knew no one! Im the new kid on the block I have less than a year in the indusrty while almost everyone there has 10+ years experience...again Im extremely lucky.
Well, I'll try to post again soon but we all know how that

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

WOW!!! again

So its been over a year since the last post and Ive beeen through a lot...a whole
lot. To keep it positive though, after all the internships, I finally landed my first job!!! Although, I intially got hired as a compositor...but there's no shame in that game. Unfortuantely, the gig is wrapping up but I got to meet a lot of great people and make friends. It was an awesome starting point for me. I got a lot of experience out of it and got to get my first animation to come out on the tele.
The search is on again!!! And I am finally getting a step toward my ultimate goal of character animtor on a feature.

Thanks to everyone that has helped me along the way!!!!