Character Animation Reel

I specialize in animations but I have experience in rigging and modeling. Animated all shots.

Character and Creature Animation Reel 2016 from tony castro on Vimeo.

Generalist Reel

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Brand new year!!!

Well, Ill give a quick in site of whats going down with me. So last year I ended my year working at Blind on a video game trailer. A lot of pressure on that job, being that I was hired as there rigger and then helped out in the animations. The rigging process was the tough part I had only been rigging for less than a year when I got hired and Blind is a pretty prestigious studio in the motion graphics world which I didnt know until I got there. But I got through it and really appreciate being around all the talent and it really helped me grow as an artist.

This year I started my first gig at Buck animating for a couple of days which was cool. Im currently working on my first film. So thats really exciting. Its only for the beginning credits but its one step closer to a full animation feature film which I hope to work on one day. I dont think it has really hit me yet but I cant wait to see it on the big screen. I dont care if I have to go by myself but Im going to go and see it. When I really get deep into it, its an amazing feeling. My work is going to be seen around the world, on the big screen, DVDs, and TV. WOW!!! Maybe not a big deal for others, but c'mon its my first movie!!!

Again, I was hired as a rigger/ animator. I need to be careful though I dont want to get stuck as a rigger. I can appreciate what a rigger does and what it takes to be one because with out rigging theres no animation but Im an animator that happens to know a bit about rigging.

Well, thats my post for today. The best of luck for myself this year as I continue to grow and learn as an artist and keep reaching to become an animator for a feature film.